A sincere thank you to everyone who participated in the making of this plan. We hope you will get involved in the plan’s implementation!
Final Plan: Download
Final Playbook: Download
The draft plan is ready for review! The full planning process, highlights from the analysis, the community vision, and the strategies for the future are all packaged in a draft of Downtown InFocus.
Presentation: Download
There is also a draft playbook for how to redesign Downtown’s streets in keeping with the goals of Downtown InFocus.
Presentation: Download
The team shared more than 50 strategies for the future of Downtown at a public meeting held at the Fargo Theatre. Over 130 people attended the presentation; afterwards, community members offered feedback, helping to prioritize the strategies based on the degree of difficulty and resources (time, effort, or money) required for implementation. With input collected from the public, the Working Committee, City staff, and elected officials, the next steps for the team will be to start drafting the plan and developing an approach for implementing the plan’s strategies.
Presentation: Download
During this month’s Working Committee meeting, the team reported on the public input collected during the Frostival Open House and presented additional details on the draft strategies for housing, future land use and zoning, connections to the river, complete streets, parking, open space, services, and possible financing mechanisms. The presentation is available here.
Presentation: Download
During this month’s Working Committee meeting, the consultant team previewed a draft of the vision statement as well as preliminary strategies for development and activity, transportation and parking, open space and connecting with the river. The presentation is available here.
Presentation: Download
The second Downtown InFocus public Open House was held during Frostival at 409 Broadway in the space currently occupied by Theatre B (formerly the Goodyear Tire). Nearly 200 people signed in, stopping by to warm up and weigh in on a preliminary set of ideas for the future of Downtown:
The planning team presented a new series of interactive exhibits asking “What if…?” for the future of Downtown
If you weren’t able to join us at Frostival, check out the planning team’s Open House presentation here.
Presentation: Download
After Thanksgiving, the Downtown InFocus Resident and Employee Surveys closed out. Thanks to the 519 survey respondents! A summary of input from the survey can be viewed here.
Highlights: Download
This month the consultant team met with the Downtown InFocus Working Committee to discuss the results of the October Open House. The team’s transportation planners, Sam Schwartz Engineering, presented the transportation existing conditions analysis. This presentation can be viewed here.
Highlights: Download
During this month’s Working Committee meeting, the consultant team’s economic expert Ninigret Partners presented an in-depth analysis of Downtown’s current economic and real estate conditions. In addition, our landscape architect and human ecologist Bishop Land Design presented their analysis of Downtown’s ecological and open space context. This presentation can be viewed here.
Highlights: Download